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Meet Our
Management Team



Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

We are a team that possesses both business & technology experience, capable of successfully managing complex digital transformation projects. +100 years of combined business experience working in B2B & B2C multinational organizations. 

We Are Here To Support You Through Every Step of Your CRM Transformation Journey

Strategy & Planning

Through a structured process that involves workshops, discovery sessions and iterative design, Cloudz Stars certified salesforce consultants and system architectures work with your teams to develop a comprehensive CRM strategy and plan.

Development Services

Our custom applications allows you to extend the core platform to get more out of your salesforce  with applications specifically developed for your business benefits offering close integration, faster implementation & performance.


A consultant partner who understands that every business has its unique nature and business requirements and has both the business and technical capabilities to deliver results. 

Managed Support Services

Cloudz Stars Salesforce Managed Services is a flexible, scalable, and economic solution to maintain and realize your investment — without the need to hire additional full-time, dedicated employees.

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